Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Appropriation Natalie Do Amaral

What is appropriation?

Appropriation is implementing another artist's work into your own creative depiction/work without their permission. Appropriation is very commonly used in advertising to draw in an audience. An example of this is the picture on the left, when the artist, Shepard Faireyuses a photo taken by an AP photographer to create an advertisement for the president. Fairey was almost sued by the photographer because he used his photograph for the campaign without permission. Appropriation can also be used to entertain. For example, on the picture on the right, the artist uses "The Scream", a very well known painting, and imposes a Simpson into the image to entertain his audience.
  hopechange-a49f82f172750d58f37aed7d8068adb266cb64c3-s6-c30.                         Image result for examples of appropriation in art
When appropriation is used, the piece of artwork has to be changed in some type of way to make it original and unique; this allows there to be a difference between appropriation and plagiarism. When a piece of artwork is plagiarized it is copied by someone without permission and claimed as his/her own piece of artwork.


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