Thursday, March 26, 2020


personally, i do not like this isolation becuase, i cant leave my home, and i cant spand time with my friends. Although the isolation is not fun ands its boring, it is for the better, so we dont get sick, so when i think about that is helps, but isolation also has some pros, one being i dont have to wake up at 6:00 in the morning to go to school. Another thing i dont like is my parents yelling at me all day to wash my hands, and stop asking to go get food, because thier scared of the virus. My main con is i love spening time with my grandma and grandpa, but my parents have not been letting me go over to thier house the past two weeks, so ive had to facetime them. There isnt really anything i can do about any of this so ill just wait it out. ;)

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Isolation has been very boring. You are trapped in your house, not allowed to leave. You have limited things to do. Everywhere is closed and...