Sunday, September 22, 2019

Principles of Design

Image by Maddie Latta

I believe this photograph shows rhythm. I believe this because when I look at the picture my eyes go to the leaves and it makes me imagine that there is wind because all the leaves are different places. Another reason is because the leaves are all bent and crooked so it made my eyes go to that point as well. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

This photo shows the property of unity. The assortment of dots all come together. From the dress, to the bowl, to the pom poms. The photo uses all similar shapes. They all unite and work together to form this picture.

Comment on Shelby’s POD blog

I disagree with Shelby because I think that the picture shows asymmetry because there is a clear difference between the lights and buildings and the darkness in the cloudy sky. The brightness of the lights and buildings contrasts the fogginess and darkness of the sky. Although I may agree that the picture shows emphasis, I think it emphasizes the buildings over the sky because the sky acts as more as a background to the buildings.  The buildings are closer, larger, and brighter so more attention is brought to them.

Image by: Wynn Waldrop

(Elements of Design)

This photograph incorporates a strong amount of asymmetry, seen in the different heights of the models. There is also a sense of repetition in the top left corner from the roof. I love how the repetition in the roof is in the only negative space, so its a very distinct pattern in this image. There is also a sense of proportion between the two models, and how one appears smaller than the other. There are a lot of visual tricks and elements of interest in this photo.

This image represents emphasis. The streetlights are used to draw the viewer's attention to the man sitting in the dark. The emphasis is used to emphasize the solidarity of the man in the photo because of the light shining on him and the shadow.

Monday, September 16, 2019

This image represents emphasis. When you look at the image at first you see the guy and your eyes go straight to look at him sand then you see the rest of the photo and you observe and find other interesting things about the photo

Principle of Design

By: Ilana Simmons

I think that this image uses unity. The different parts of this image work together and go along with each other. The colors and textures are similar and do not contrast. The trees, dirt, and background are all similar in color, and the garbage scattered around the image all have dull colors that do not really stand out.

Principles of Design Photo by Lauren Avery

This image is emphasis because it focuses on the girls face which is the lightest point in the picture. The phone cameras are directed at the girl and that draws our eyes to her. The background is all dark, negative space to emphasize the girl as the main subject in the picture. The phone screens add a new layer to the picture that pull the focus into the center of the picture to the lightest aspect to the photo. The lighting used changes the picture from how it would've been with natural light because the flash creates the girl's face more pale which draws more focus than if it were dark like the rest of the photo.
This photo shows a few principals of design. One of the main principals that this shows is Repetition. In this photo repetition is showed within the fence. It also shows reflection in the water on the street.

Principles/Elements of Design

This image shows some of the elements of design through the use of emphasis. This photo shows a lot of contrast through the lit up, pink and blue sky crashing with the dark and ordinariness of this gas station. The pink areas of the sky also slightly contrast with the blue ones, causes the eye so move through the photo smoothly. This image has various lines, ranging from the poles holding the station up, to the lines in the pavement, the lines under the world MARATHON, and the line cutting the sky off. This image also includes color. The light pink and baby blue sky, the dark blue and red of the sign, and the darker colors of the area under the station. There are a few shapes in this image. The top of the station is a rectangle, the lights are circles, the poles are cylinders, and the parts of the McDonalds sign are arches. In my opinion, the photo has very little negative space, the only space being the pavement on the ground. This image has very cool texture in the sunset. This photographer used the dark and ordinariness of the gas station to emphasize the colors of the sky.
Mia Vanjaria

 this photo uses asymmetry, one people is sitting and the another one is standing. they both wear a mask, which just has black and white on it. the whole picture's background is like impact of two contrast color.

Principles of Design Photo

This image shows the elements of design through the principle of emphasis. In this picture, the emphasized entity is the fish bowl. The bowl is clearly emphasized because of the element of space. In this photo the bowl, positive space, is centered and differs in color/shade in relation to the negative space, the background. Also, the colors and values of this image brings attention to its main emphasis, the bowl. By using a vibrant color of orange, then centering the fish bowl and using dark colors by using the worn money and coins, it creates a central focus. Also, inside the bowl, the photographer creates a literal and figurative difference between the cash and coins. This is shown by using a lighter color/shade for the cash, it relates to it being literally lighter and a darker color/shade for the coins because they are literally heavier which carries a dark tone. 

 By: Natalie Do Amaral


By Maddie Latta

This photo prominently displays the principle of emphasis. When looking at the photo, the grass is focused on, and the background is blurry. Since the background is your eye tends to look at the grass. Afterwards, you will look at the bridge and water in the background. The shape of the bridge compliments the grass, and causes you to focus more on the grass.
The photo presented shows multiple examples for the concept of "Perspective of Design" using the water to put a glistening aspect on the jewelry represents emphasis.


By Parklyn Gardner

This Photo shows the principle of Variety. When you first look at the image your eye goes straight to the dancer. After you've noticed her you notice the lines in the background on the wall which show pattern. Then your eye goes to the tape measurer. The line it makes contrast the dancer and gives her more emphasis.

By: Caroline Hodges

This photograph represents the principle of emphasis, because the man praying is the only subject of the photo. There are similar lines in the chair, and in the crease of his arm. The ovals are similiar in his fingers and ear, and nose.

Principles of Design

     The photos have an overall principle of movement. I found myself moving over the pictures and noticing elements of texture in the faces, lines in the foothills, and the overall shapes of mountains on both. Looking at the faces I followed the lines of the mountains up and down, which is a good example of movement. These photos both have many references to the principles of design.

Principles of Design

This photo shows four of the principles of design out of eight. It shows texture in the way that the cardboard looks and how it is wrinkled, or flat. It also shows shape on the roofs of the houses and it has lines. It shows unity with the main idea of all the unorganized words. And then shows variety with all of the colors and sizes. 

This photo has a pattern with the dots on the clothes and bowls. There is shape within the photo of the colorful circles. The circles appear in many places including the dots on the clothes, the bowl, the dots on the bowl, the pom poms in the bowl, even the fingernails. There is texture on the fuzzy pom poms in the bowl.

This photo shows variety in the different things in the picture, such as the orange goldfish, green money and black bottom. This picture has asymmetry because the fish are on the left, and split down the middle the photo would not be symmetrical.

Elements/Principles of Design

Image by Ilana Simmons

The elements of design in this photo are vv
Shapes: squares (pizza box) and triangles (the gaps between the tree branches)
Color: there is mainly green, grey, and brown
Texture: the tree leaves and the ground

The principles of design in this photo are vv
Variety: the photo doesn't tie into each other, it doesn't really flow together due to the trash which disrupts the flow.

Principles of design

      I believe that this image incorporates emphasis. The man is emphasized because of the element of design size. He is in the front, as well as taking up a significant part of the image. However, the main element of design in this image is lines. There are lines on the rack and on the border of the window. Another element is texture. The floor looks smooth and laminated while the clothes look softer.

Hannah Raisner Principles of Design

This photo was taken by Harper McEvoy. One of the most obvious elements is proportion. The fish, cash, coins, and fish bowl are all to scale. Another element is unity. Every object in the photo works together to draw you into the photo.
This image portrays symmetry. The lines on the road help to guide your eyes down the middle of the picture. The sunlight shines through at the bottom of the image, but as you look back through the image, the trees create a tunnel over the road so all sunlight is blocked. Also the cars along the side of the street help with the symmetric aspect of the image.

This photo by Isabella Romanello represents movement. this represents movement because your eye moves from the mountains to the lower picture. When you see the people cut out and assembled as a mountain your eye follows along the faces looking for something familiar. Then you look for similarities between the natural mountain and the cut out mountain. This photo captivates you to examine it further which makes it represent movement.

Principles of Design

Photo taken by: Knox Greene

This photo has unity because everything goes together. The vintage sign with the vintage looking clothes and old building makes the photo come together to make it look as if it was taken in the 50's. The black and white of the photo helps make it look like it was taken decades ago as well. An element in the photo is that it was taken at an angle. Some shapes in the photo are the rectangles building and Jax sign and the square windows. 

Made by Isabella Romanello: This photograph shows movement and rhythm through out the scenery. The photo is made up of natural objects from mountains to trees to newly fallen snow. The movement in this photo goes up and down the edges of mountains to the bottom of the valleys.
By: Ashton Body
 In this image the photograph gives off a unity. This is because of the fence, the road, and the trees kind of bend together and give it a nice peaceful area. The image also shows unity because of the light pole in the center of the image to sell of the idea of a forgotten neighborhood. Finally the image is showing unity because nothing is alive or interacting acting with it. Therefore letting the colors bend peacefully and give the image a nice vibe.

Friday, September 13, 2019

This photo is so tiny but contains so much imagery in it. I love how the dark rocks on the mountain blend in with the whitest snow on earth to make a beautiful piece. I love how the sky is also grey to bend in with the mountains instead of being a light blue color. I really like this photo because I feel cold when I look at the photo.


Isolation has been very boring. You are trapped in your house, not allowed to leave. You have limited things to do. Everywhere is closed and...