Monday, September 16, 2019

Principles of Design Photo by Lauren Avery

This image is emphasis because it focuses on the girls face which is the lightest point in the picture. The phone cameras are directed at the girl and that draws our eyes to her. The background is all dark, negative space to emphasize the girl as the main subject in the picture. The phone screens add a new layer to the picture that pull the focus into the center of the picture to the lightest aspect to the photo. The lighting used changes the picture from how it would've been with natural light because the flash creates the girl's face more pale which draws more focus than if it were dark like the rest of the photo.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the main principle being used is emphasis. In addition to what was said I also think the arms point toward the face and contribute to the sense of emphasis by pointing to the focus of the picture. The colors, or more accurately the lack of colors let you instantly be drawn to the face



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