Monday, September 16, 2019

Principles/Elements of Design

This image shows some of the elements of design through the use of emphasis. This photo shows a lot of contrast through the lit up, pink and blue sky crashing with the dark and ordinariness of this gas station. The pink areas of the sky also slightly contrast with the blue ones, causes the eye so move through the photo smoothly. This image has various lines, ranging from the poles holding the station up, to the lines in the pavement, the lines under the world MARATHON, and the line cutting the sky off. This image also includes color. The light pink and baby blue sky, the dark blue and red of the sign, and the darker colors of the area under the station. There are a few shapes in this image. The top of the station is a rectangle, the lights are circles, the poles are cylinders, and the parts of the McDonalds sign are arches. In my opinion, the photo has very little negative space, the only space being the pavement on the ground. This image has very cool texture in the sunset. This photographer used the dark and ordinariness of the gas station to emphasize the colors of the sky.
Mia Vanjaria


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