Thursday, March 26, 2020


Isolation has been very boring. You are trapped in your house, not allowed to leave. You have limited things to do. Everywhere is closed and the few places that are open are necessities. The only people you can see are your family, and after a while, it can get annoying.


Appropriation is the "re-use" of another persons work. If done wrong, it could be considered plagiarism. Which is using someone else's work and calling it your own. To me, appropriation shouldn't be a thing. It is still the use of someone else's work. A person needs to create their own work and use their own creativity.

isolation caroline hodges

caroline hodges

      When I think of isolation, I think of being alone and scared. This is how most people feel in the world today, due to coronavirus. I am a pretty friendly person, and I have a big family, so I haven’t had a real taste of isolation. The picture that comes into my brain when I think of isolation is someone all alone, curled up in a corner in an empty room. The world is going through mild isolation right now because of this dangerous disease. Many have lost loved ones, and are in fear of dying themselves. Isolation is basically being alone, with no one to be with but yourself. To a degree, families around the world are experiencing being cooped up in their houses under quarantine. Some, however, are in isolation in the hospital because they have the virus. This quarantine has not affected me as seriously as my friends… Usually I am able to go outside, fish, workout, and do whatever. I think that this whole virus outbreak is crazy, and all the big events getting cancelled really makes me realize how freaky this thing is…


I hate isolation. As most of you know, I like to talk a lot and I like to be around people, share stories, laugh, and have fun in real life with people. Isolation has helped me get all my laundry done, organize my closet, organize my bathroom, clean my bedroom, and do chores around my house that my parents have been wanting me to. Now on my second week of isolation I’m slightly enjoying the time I get to spend reading for fun and hanging out with my dogs and cats.


personally, i do not like this isolation becuase, i cant leave my home, and i cant spand time with my friends. Although the isolation is not fun ands its boring, it is for the better, so we dont get sick, so when i think about that is helps, but isolation also has some pros, one being i dont have to wake up at 6:00 in the morning to go to school. Another thing i dont like is my parents yelling at me all day to wash my hands, and stop asking to go get food, because thier scared of the virus. My main con is i love spening time with my grandma and grandpa, but my parents have not been letting me go over to thier house the past two weeks, so ive had to facetime them. There isnt really anything i can do about any of this so ill just wait it out. ;)



Isolation is extremely different from what I thought it would be. I was not expecting to miss going to school as much as I do know. It made me realise how we take things for granted that we have at ESJ. Even though the work is challenging, I really miss seeing my friends face to face. I have found it easy to become bored because of the limited social interactions but I feel like my work ethic has increased. Since stores and restaurants are closing, everything feels off. 

Isolation effects

Isolation has made me more aware of how much i am around others and outside of the house. I realize that I am not home at all normally, and that when I am I don't get much done. Also, that if I do not have sports all the time like normal, I get very anxious, which has forced me to work out in quarantine. I felt the video was a really nice tribute to an amazing person and it executed very well the many different things she has starred in through her life. 


Isolation to me is very boring to me. I miss going to school and seeing my friends and having a social life because I can't do that while I am trapped in my house. I have been doing the same things over and over again and there is nothing I can do to make it more interesting because I am not allowed to go anywhere. I have been doing homework and classwork and it keeps me busy,  but staring at a computer screen for hours and hours at a time is mind-numbing. I just hope we can go back to normal very soon and I hope we can salvage some of the school year. When i turn on the T.V. all I see are negative information about the virus and how many people died and who has it. Same with social media. It's like there is no outlet to get your mind off the virus.

Appropriation vs Plagiarism Mary

Appropriation is very similar to plagiarism. I believe appropriation is acceptable when proper credit is given and at least 20% of the piece has been changed. I think that the image should have a lot visible changes because if the original artist put effort into their piece, then the person appropriating should also have to put forth an effort towards the meaning and physical appearance of the artwork. Also, if the two artists are sharing the piece to two different audiences, then it is fine as long as proper credit is given. Appropriation can be considered plagiarism when there is not enough change and no credit given.
I think appropriation is ok but you need to give the people credit if you use or reference there work I think they deserve credit because they were the ones that put the work and thought into to so they deserve to give them credit.Plagiarism is copying there work actully how they did and you used it for a painting,English paper,etc. So I don’t think it is ok to give your self or anyone credit for other people’s work.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


   Appropriation is the use of art pieces that already exist to create new pieces that have not been changed much. For example, someone may alter a painting by cutting a part of it off or adding another painting to it. This form of art is not always viewed as genuine, however. I believe that this art style should be allowed, as long as credit is given. Appropriation can add to the art piece and make something more of it.

How Isolation Has Impacted Me

Isolation has been kind of one long blur for me. When the city-wide quarantine/ self-isolation began I was already home sick and just felt like I was home sick just like any other time in the year. Up until today I had been in this funk of just feeling blah, and now the quarantine has finally hit me. I have this sense of restlessness and am anxiously awaiting for things to return back to normal, or whatever will happen once this is all over.

Appropriation vs plagiarism

In my own words, appropriation is where you take someone else’s work but tweak it in your own unique way. for example, you can add color if it’s black and white or add things to make it a whole different meaning. You give them credit and let any spectators know that the original work is from that artist. Appropriation can be considered plagiarism when no credit is given or barely anything is tweaked, making it still look like the original artwork. When you do not let your spectators know that the original was not your idea, you most likely will get sued.

Appropriation vs. Plagiarism

In my opinion there is a very fine line between plagiarism and appropriation. Plagiarism is the direct theft of another artists art and claiming it as your own, for an example creating a master copy of Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night and signing your own name. Artistic appropriation is stealing another artists work and slightly altering it (50% or less) to create a new "image" or something another. Famous artists such as Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, and many other highly respected artists use artistic appropriation in very successful pieces.
Appropriation V.S. Plagiarism 

Appropriation is used often in arts such as photography, it is a way of editing or putting you own twist on someone’s pre existing artwork. I think appropriation is wrong in certain cases if not enough is changed or only small details are changed such as varying of sizes and colors. Plagiarism would be taking credit for someone else’s work with minimal to no additions. However too much distortion could lead to a loss of the meaning of the original piece. Appropriation is a great way to show your interest in previous art while being creative yourself.


Appropriation to me is the use of someone else's images and adding a twist to it to make it your own. I don't think that it's wrong if you change enough of it to make it your own. If someone just changed the colors of the image, then I think it would be wrong for them to call it their work. It relates to plagiarism in the sense that you are taking someone else's work and using it as yours. However, plagiarism is taking the exact thing without adding something of your own.


to me approriation is using somone eslse work, but putting a spin on it. I dont necessarily think it wrong, but i think its right in moderation. The example that you (Mr.Z) showed us from the power point, the man in the woods with long hair, i think that is wrong beacuse its somone elses photo that their using, and they only changed the color and added draings over the eyes. Another phtoto i thought was wrong was the one of marylyn Monroe, because all they changed was the color, but they used the other guys work.

Appropriation vs Plagiarism

Appropriating can vary in severity and definition. It basically is basing a piece of your work off of someone else’s. It could also be modifying someone else’s work and presenting it differently, claiming it as a new piece of work. As for its relation to plagiarism, depending on how much of the ‘original’ work is used, or represented as something new, with the new artist claiming it as their own, appropriation could be seen as plagiarism, which is claiming someone else’s work as your own, or copying it without credit. Artistic appropriation could be using parts of a piece in a new one, as sort of a collage, or like the video project that was mentioned in class, taking directly from other work and basically giving it a new angle, which could be technically interpreted as a plagiarism.

         Appropriation to me means using someone else’s ideas but making it completely your own piece. Although some artists sue artists who appropriate their work they do have to have some type of appreciation for their art. considering that they got their inspiration from somewhere. I can see where artists are coming from when they sue for plagiarism considering it’s a rendition of their work. Work that they put hours of devoted creative thinking into. -shelby mccart


Appropriation is the use of someone else's artwork in a slightly altered way. It is not necessarily plagiarism if you say what you based your work off of and give credit to the original artist. It is also not plagiarism if it is made into something like a parody or a political cartoon. I think it is only okay to appropriate someone's artwork if you give them proper credit. It was their original idea and its not fair to just copy and change it a little bit.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


I believe that appropriation is not exactly like plagiarism. It is taking someone else's idea or an idea from a piece of work and making it your own. Artists take ideas from a culture and make it into a piece to portray that culture. But, it is not completely your own which is why it is compared to plagiarism. Plagiarism is just straight up copying exactly what someone else's work is with no changes to it. I feel like both can be seen as a negative thing in art, but appropriation can have a roundabout way of being okay because you incorporate your own personal ideas.


I see appropriation as stealing someone else's original concept. Often seen through cultural appropriation, artists and designers take concepts from cultures all over the world and appropriate them by unwillingly using these sacred ideas and implementing them into a culture in which it is unnatural and greatly disrespectful to the origin. I see appropriation as something negative, because it is un-original. Ideas, especially in art, usually take a lot of research, experience, emotion, and creativity so when it is copied with the intention of stealing, it's degrading to the artist. In relation to plagiarism, I find the two very similar. Not making the sacrifice of developing an original concept, being insecure about being unique and stealing from someone else's, usually for validation by others. I personally don't think the world needs copies, we need originality!


Appropriation and Plagiarism have a distinct difference in meaning but share some similarities. Plagiarism is outright copying someone else’s work. Appropriation is inspiration from a piece and making it your own. Because appropriation work is inspired by other art, it can be misread and taken as a charge of plagiarism. Photographers who peruse their art through appropriation regulate their artwork very carefully. The idea of appropriation is very easily misconceived to be plagiarism.
    Appropriation in art is the practice of making cuts and additions to someone else's work, but leaving the frame and structure unchanged and claiming it as one's own. The author did copy other people's work, which can be considered a dishonest act. But if the author adds his own ideas and optimizes the work, it can be an improvement. Only appropriating without ideas is incorrect.
Appropriation is taking a piece of art from someone else and adding your own touch to it. The piece can be directly taken or recreated in some shape or form. Some will perceive this as plagiarism, because no credit is given to the original artist. To me, most of the time appropriation is not plagiarism if the 2 pieces are visually different and/or have different ideas. When a piece is directly stolen with the same ideas without credit given, it is plagiarism.


         Appropriation is the action of slighty altering or changing a photograph. Then claiming it as your own. Plagiarism and appropriation are similar in some aspects in the way that, they both use other people's works as templates for their own works. By doing plagiarism or appropriation, a person can very easily steal the idea of the original writer/artist and are it their own. Both plagiarism and appropriation are similar in the aspect that they both use ideas of others in their own works of arts. 


Appropriation is a lot like plagiarism in the sense that a plagiarist steals or copies another authors work. The plagiarist alters a work just enough to look different and claims credit of the work for themselves. An appropriationist taking someone else's images or art works and slightly altering it to make it seem as their own piece of art is that same. Appropriation in art is the use of pre existing objects and or images with little to no transformation applied to them. These two concepts are very similar because they are both altering another persons work and claiming it as their own.


Appropriation occurs when a person takes something of significance to another person, and uses it without permission, and normally without giving credit where credit is due. On the surface this seems incredibly similar to plagiarism, but, in art there is a fine line between the two. Artists have found themselves both in court for appropriation, and being praised for appropriation. There are times when appropriation and plagiarism seem to be the same thing, and are seen as stealing, which is certainly sometimes the case, but art currently is and should continue to be a space where limits can be pushed and questions can be asked.

Appropriation v plagiarism

Appropriation and plagiarism are basically the same things. The internet definition for plagiarism is “the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as ones own.” Appropriation is when you take someones something for your own use, without the owners permission. Both of these concepts are stealing. Whether it is stealing a person’s idea or stealing someone’s physical object, it is stealing. You should never do either of these things, both on and off campus.


     Appropriation is when you take something for your own use without the permission of the owner. It can be seen as "cultural" appropriation in the news and media, but can have many different implications. In art, appropriation can be seen as pre-existing objects being used in a very unedited state. However, this could be seen as a form of plagiarism, as these pre-existing objects can be copyrighted or have trademarks. I think that for it to be plagiarism it has to be on a certain level and be the most uncut way of taking from something that has already been made.


Isolation has been very boring. You are trapped in your house, not allowed to leave. You have limited things to do. Everywhere is closed and...