Thursday, March 26, 2020


Isolation to me is very boring to me. I miss going to school and seeing my friends and having a social life because I can't do that while I am trapped in my house. I have been doing the same things over and over again and there is nothing I can do to make it more interesting because I am not allowed to go anywhere. I have been doing homework and classwork and it keeps me busy,  but staring at a computer screen for hours and hours at a time is mind-numbing. I just hope we can go back to normal very soon and I hope we can salvage some of the school year. When i turn on the T.V. all I see are negative information about the virus and how many people died and who has it. Same with social media. It's like there is no outlet to get your mind off the virus.

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Isolation has been very boring. You are trapped in your house, not allowed to leave. You have limited things to do. Everywhere is closed and...