Thursday, August 22, 2019

Photo by: Harper McEvoy

What really drew me to the photo was the positioning of the hand holding the jewelry and the neutral color for its back drop it cause the water to have those darker reflections.

The only thing I would change is the second hand holding the mason jar would be centered with the first hand so the water flows with the jewelry laying.

Photo by: Ashton Body

I chose this photo because i really like how the contrast of the photo is black and white yet the photo was taken in color. I also like the use of the water reflecting the main subject of the photo.
The thing I would change I would leave out the blank space on the left side of the fence.

Photo by Isabella Romanella

      What first captivated me to this photo set was the picture above. The black and white created a simplicity that helped establish the vastness of the landscape. Then, the picture below contrasted the top a lot to me. The faces on the sides of the mountains must have some symbolic meaning but what the really means escape me. The two in a set must compare the emptyness of the mountains to the people clustered below. To improve anything I would adjust the lighting and keep it similar to the top picture ti allow the message to shine through.

Image by: Maddie Latta

I picked this picture because I think it is different from the other ones in the gallery. I like how this photo is more of a nature picture, while most of the other ones in the gallery are of people and objects. I typically like photos that focus on one thing, and the background is blurry so, this photo drew me in. This photo, unlike most of the ones in the gallery, is in black and white. I enjoyed this because it is different from what I usually do with my own photos.

Image by: Wynn Waldrop

This image is good because the colorful polka dots looks really cool up against the white clothes and bowl. The polka dots look better than they would all different sizes than they would all the same size.  The pom pom balls showed a nice texture change in the photo. Something I might have done is make a white background to make the colors pop more.

Image by: Nandini Tandon

I liked this image because the skyline was very pretty and the colors in the sunset contrasted well with the black skyline. I also really liked how the lights with the building went with the snow and the river on the side. Also, the lights reflect very nicely on the river. Something I would add is more color but overall it is a very nice photo.
Image by: Parklyn Gardner

I picked this picture because I am a dancer. I felt this image showed a different mood from the average photograph taken of a dancer. Usually in a picture of a dancer they are showing a dancer in motion. This picture takes a different approach in showing a dancer doing a different form of art.

blog post

Image by Abby Donahoo

I enjoy this picture because of the colors of the sky, behind the station. I like the contrast between the beautiful sun setting sky and the mundane scenery of a gas station that one might see everyday. As much as I do love the contrast of the beautiful and the ordinary, i feel that this picture could be made a lot more appealing to the eye if something just as beautiful, or even more than the sunset was in the foreground. 

Image by: Harper McEvoy

              This image drew my eye because it expressed emotions that drew up the topic of ignorance. It shows money in a fish bowl which shows the ignorance of people towards littering and polluting the ocean.  The photo emphasizes the fish having to suffer and swim in such a polluted area. Also, the photographer uses the same color background as the fish which draws attention to the fish and the emotion it evokes.


Image by Ilana Simmons
   This image is good because the lighting is nice and the background color choice is good. It seems to be symbolic of littering. At first, I thought the trees were made of drugs but they were not. The grey background seems to be symbolic of air pollution. The overall message seems to be to not pollute. I would change they trash items to more realistic ones. No one would leave their plastic purple shovel on the ground. It would also be cool if the stuff was real instead of models. Overall I would rate this photo a 6/10 because it's good but not great.

Photo first blog

Photo by Emily Spinning

This photo is interesting because it's something different. It is showing different houses saying to be kind. A good thing is that it is written on cardboard so it stands out and shows the message clearly. I think the photo is explaining that no matter what is going on you can always be kind. It could be taken better if the background had something on it that expressed a little more of the point. But overall, it looks good and displays an important message.


This image reminds me of going to Goodwill in a small town, which is something I did quite often while living in Virginia. It really captures the essence of small town life. This photo could be improved by being brighter.

Gallery Image

Image by: Lauren Avery
This image is great because it has layers, like the hands holding the phones, the girl, and a dark background. This photo is great because it sends a message about society having its eyes on everyone. I like the dark background because it keeps the focus on the girl and the phones.  One thing I would change about this picture is having higher exposure on the phone screens because it is hard to see their perspectives on the girl, which could contribute to the larger message.

Photo Review

                                                           Image by: Ilana Simmons

I like this photo because it uses an artificial subject/landscape to help display the meaning. I think the meaning (or a meaning) is that the trash that humanity creates ruins and dulls nature. This can also be seen through the lack of grass. The trash that is left in this setting and the dull colors used creates a negative mood. I think that, if the meaning I thought of is correct, the effect of the trash on the trees could be a little more clear.

Photo Review

Image by: Harper McEvoy

In this image, I love the fact that it is Black & White. It would have been just another street picture, but the color change added depth. I think that if maybe there was something in the middle of the street to focus on it would have been better.

goldfish photo response

Image by Harper McEvoy.
I really liked the choice of an orange background was. It makes the fish more interesting, and the dollar bills stand out more. I think the photo could be even cooler if the change at the bottom stood out more. After looking at the photo that belongs on top of this one, I think this photo could represent the profit and pollution that comes from the fishing industry.

image by Wynn Waldrop

I like how this picture is very bright and colorful. I like how everything in the picture matches with different colored dots. It shows people not to worry and to be happy. I think one thing they could have done differently, is used a different backdrop. I think they should have used something else that goes with the mood of the image.

This picture was taken by Knox Greene

I like how this photo looks like it could've been taken in the 50's and in 2019 at the same time. It looks like an old building even though it's fairly new. I feel like the black and white helps with that effect. I think this picture is super cool but one thing they could've done is try not to include the parking lot in the background.

Mask Photo- Wynn Waldrop

Image by: Wynn Waldrop

The composition of this photograph really caught my eye. The negative space in the top left corner is where I look first, then my eyes circle around to the mask of the model standing up, and finally to the mask of the model sitting down. I love the slight contrast between the white in the masks, and the darkness of the image. The mood of this photo feels dystopian and mysterious, and from my interpretation, resembles teenage angst. If I could alter one thing about this photo, I would brighten the masks which highlight the eyes and mouth of the models, a little change like this may send a stronger message to the viewer.

amelia's first blog post kids ;)

        this picture was taken by uh Harper  McEnvoy

   this photo is pretty dope. it's 1/2 of a set and this is like the top one (it's vertical). underneath it is a fish bowl with gold fish and cash. but i dig this one because, even though i'm not cultured enough to get whatever the underlying theme or whatever for this set, it's lowkey kinda haunting and shows some wack emotion i can't quite convey. one thing to change maybe is make whatever's in the subjects hand more obvious cause that would make it easier to understnad.🔚

photo by: Isabella Romanello

I like this photo because the image of the mountains in black and white is fascinating to look at.  This photo pulls in people passing by to look at the beautiful mountains with all of the snow and trees on them. Below the mountains is another photo which appears to be famous people. This could mean that the people that are part of that mountain are prominent figures in society like how mountains are prominent figures in the world. One thing I would change would be to make the top picture a little bigger to make it easier to see all the details.

I like this picture because the colors match well with each other. This picture is great because it shows the beauty of the Earth's sunsets. One think I would change are the colors in front of the sunset.
Image by: Anna Donahoo

I like this photo becuase because she included the worker,sigh and the rack and we know where it is taken. How this photo could be better is take it a little bit different angle. What this photo means to means to me is that it could of been taken anywhere and she chose a laundry place.
 Image by: Nandini Tandon

 I like this photo, because its shows how beautiful big cities can be. I think it shows the peacefulness of the city from afar, when there is so much chaos on the streets. Also the sunset, and the darker tones make it more pretty to look at. This photo could improve maybe by backing up and showing more buildings in Chicago.                    

Image by Abby Beaver

I think this image is great because I like how it depicts the feeling of loneliness. It uses the darkness and the light to show that feeling. This picture could improve by changing the location because I think that it is awkward how he is just outside with a chair. Maybe changing the location inside could make this picture better.

                                                        IMAGE By Ashton Body

    This photo shows the little things in life and shows there meaning. They do this by using the puddle as a mirror to reflect the other things in the photo. It also shows the little light in the darkness in a way as well because of the trees parting. It pulls people in by using the little things and showing them as well. I like this image because it kind of shows the calm after the storm too. Although the image could incorporate some more depth because the it looks a little shallow at first.


Isolation has been very boring. You are trapped in your house, not allowed to leave. You have limited things to do. Everywhere is closed and...